[TR] TR Parts for sale- Garage sale

Cosmo Kramer tr4a2712 at yahoo.com
Thu May 8 09:21:04 MDT 2014

Hi List! 
OK, 3rd time try on sending this.

I'm having a garage sale on 5-24-14 from 10:00-> 14:00 on May 24-2014 @ afriends barn: 
433 Gallup Rd
Spencerport, NY 14559

What ever dosen't sell & I don't keep (IF I do keep anything),will be scrapped! So some things will be going for penny's on the dollar. If you want something shipped to you, then YOU pay for shipping + (we can talk about the (+), by E-mail or phone:716-833-3734) 

EVERYTHING MUST GO by the end of May 31-14!
-Cosmo Kramer

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