[TR] TR3A Engine

Greg Lemon glemon at neb.rr.com
Sun May 4 19:52:18 MDT 2014

I'll chime in with the "do it yourself except the stuff you need to take to 
a machine shop" crowd.  For the most part motors are pretty simple to take 
apart and put back together, like a jigsaw puzzle most of the stuff only can 
go back on the way it came off, however, it is important to put bearing caps 
and such back on the same place they came off, Couple of tips you don't 
always see in the books, although I didn't have one early on, later in my 
DIY "career" I bought a metal number punch set, to stamp numbers in to steel 
parts,  sometimes part may already be numbered sometimes not, but nice to 
have the certainty of a number one stamped into the metal of number one con 
rod and number one con rod bearing cap, etc.  Also not the most scientific, 
but spin it as you put each of the part back on  (except with a TR engine 
have the liners held in place somehow if the head isn't on yet),  if 
something is very wrong it will tell you, and better when spinning by hand 
than on start up.

Find a good machine shop with an old timer and he will help walk you through 
the rebuild, nothing particularly exotic about a cast iron OHV four.

You also have listservs and message boards when you get stuck, something 
many of us didn't have when we were starting out.

Good Luck!

Greg Lemon

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