[TR] TR3 Crank
William Brewer
wsb1960tr3a at att.net
Wed Sep 25 08:38:42 MDT 2013
I was only taching about 3,800 at the time. Rude surprise.
From: Brad Kahler <bkahler1 at gmail.com>
William Brewer <wsb1960tr3a at att.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 6:01
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Crank
Wow! I've had a few broken cranks in the
wife's spitfire race car but they always broke on the main diameter of the
crank, never on one of the throws.
What was the tach reading when it
On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 8:57 AM, William Brewer
<wsb1960tr3a at att.net> wrote:
Well shoot...
> I was conducting my
daily historical reenactment of
>Ken Richardson's Jabbeke run on my way to
work on Tuesday when all hell broke
>loose under the hood. As I was reaching
for the key I could see oil pressure
>falling. I had the engine off in
seconds. No oil leaking, actually no new oil
>leaking out of the block. The
car went home on a flat bed tow truck.
> Got
>home from work last night,
pulled the pan and found this:
> Crank break just aft of #4 shear web at the rear main bearing.
> I
>find any metal in the pan and it looks like it didn't take anything
else with
>it. I guess that I am lucky.
> I have never taken the engine
over 5,000
>rpms and rarely go above 4500. I wonder what brought this on.
Maybe I should
>have had a harmonic balancer.
> I suppose that I am not
the first guy to
>have this happen to him. Are there any specific things I
should be checking? I
>was wondering if it might have damaged the #4
connecting rod or maybe the rear
> Time for a tear down. Dang! I
just about have my TR6 on the road
>and just bought a Renown.
> -Bill in
>** triumphs at autox.team.net **
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