[TR] TR3 Crank

William Brewer wsb1960tr3a at att.net
Wed Sep 25 06:57:36 MDT 2013

     Well shoot...
     I was conducting my daily historical reenactment of
Ken Richardson's Jabbeke run on my way to work on Tuesday when all hell broke
loose under the hood. As I was reaching for the key I could see oil pressure
falling. I had the engine off in seconds. No oil leaking, actually no new oil
leaking out of the block. The car went home on a flat bed tow truck. 
home from work last night, pulled the pan and found this:

 Crank break just aft of #4 shear web at the rear main bearing.
     I didn't
find any metal in the pan and it looks like it didn't take anything else with
it. I guess that I am lucky.
     I have never taken the engine over 5,000
rpms and rarely go above 4500. I wonder what brought this on. Maybe I should
have had a harmonic balancer.
     I suppose that I am not the first guy to
have this happen to him. Are there any specific things I should be checking? I
was wondering if it might have damaged the #4 connecting rod or maybe the rear
     Time for a tear down. Dang! I just about have my TR6 on the road
and just bought a Renown.

     -Bill in Tehachapi

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