[TR] Towing a Spitfire

Randall TR3driver at ca.rr.com
Thu Nov 28 18:21:18 MST 2013

> How about if I put it in 4th gear and lock the clutch in the  
> disengaged position (as it would be if the clutch pedal were 
> pushed in)?
> Will the input shaft spin and the oil deflector throw oil on 
> the gears  
> from the wheels/diff/driveshaft/mainshaft/input shaft spinning?

Should work, but now you'll be spinning the throwout bearing all the time.

BTW, a TR3 will fit inside the largest U-Haul covered trailer (although the doors won't quite close).  I suspect a Spitfire would
fit even with the doors closed.

I've done some flat towing for various reasons over the years, and it has always been surprisingly hard on the towed vehicle, even
if nothing breaks.  Every turn you make forces the towed car to flex some, which isn't good for it even if it doesn't break

Even if you have to buy a used trailer at one end, and resell it at the other, I think you'll be ahead in the long run.  Unless it's
someone else's car of course.


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