[TR] Looking for TR4A parts (OD transmission tunnel)

Bob Labuz yellowtr at adelphia.net
Sat Nov 2 07:54:30 MDT 2013

I have the cover on both my 4 and 6. They are much stronger than the 
original pressed paper but at least for me, there was a bit of 
'colorful' language heard by my wife during installation. The plastic is 
not as forgiving as the original paper.

The use of multiple thin philips screwdrivers to line up the holes with 
their welded nuts was helpful.


On 11/02/2013 09:10 AM, Dave Massey wrote:
>   Use the plastic cover from TRF.  Fits perfectly and will last forever.  I've
> had mine since 1990.
> Dave Massey
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Creig Houghtaling <creig555 at live.com>
>   Another thing I could use is a functional transmission tunnel that could
> fitover an overdrive transmission.

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