[TR] Household TR 'Tools'

wbeech at flash.net wbeech at flash.net
Thu Jun 6 08:31:53 MDT 2013

This story starts with a trip to the dentist, doesn't every TR story start
that way?  For several years I have had a cheap set, Harbor Freight 6/$3.99
dental picks in my box that have proved very handy for small things,
especially rebuilding SU carbs and electrical components.  So on a recent
visit for a checkup I inquired of the young lady what they did with their
old tools.  She responded that they re-sharpen them if they can, then they
are discarded.  I asked if they had any old ones around and if I might have
a couple(this is where I pull out a picture of the very cute TR3 "Tarbaby").
Behold, when she gives my little bag with a new brush and floss there are a
dozen used dental tools in it of all different sizes and thicknesses.
I also keep a syringe(we have a goat that needs monthly shots) and one of
those bulbs that they use to clean out newborn baby's noses in my toolbox.
Very handy for sucking the last bit of fluid from the brake res, gas from
the float bowl and adding just a little oil to the SU chamber tops.
Would like to hear from the list what 'Non-Tool tools' you have in your shop
that have proved handy over the years.  Things you don't find on the Snap-On
Open discussion,
Bill Beecher
'58 TR3A TS/30766L "Tarbaby"
'62 TR3B TCF/2549L " Aunt B" (in rehab)
www.triumphowners.com/1566 <http://www.triumphowners.com/1566> 
'68 Land Rover Series IIa 88" "The Beast"
"Keep Calm and Carry On

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