[TR] Close ratio TR 4-6 gearbox??

John Macartney flywheelcoventry1 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 24 15:32:35 MDT 2012

Try Jigsaw Racing and the Triumph Dolomite Club - both in UK. Mark at Jigsaw
has a raft of stuff and the club itself has several people running parts


>Try Team Triumph, he will ship.
5/24/2012 1:41 PM, Chuck Arnold and/or Kathleen Kelley wrote:
>> Anyone have a
4 speed gear box with the Dolomite Sprint close ratio gear
>> set they  care
to sell?
>> How about just the gear set?
>> How about just the third gears?
>> Lost 3rd gear in mine last weekend -- darn and it/I were running better
than we ever have
>> British Frame and Engine does not even know if they
are available;
>> Quantumechanics has them on order for arrival in "a few
>> Rimmer brothers appears to have something in a gear set at a little
>> $1000 [too much].
>> Racestorations sells the whole box, very
>> Do not know of any other vendors [Wishbone Classics?? Anybody
have an email
>> contact there?]
>> Thanks,
>> Chuck Arnold
>> **
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>From: Pat Ledford <pat.l at comcast.net>
To: triumphs at autox.team.net 
Thursday, 24 May 2012, 19:30
Subject: Re: [TR] Close ratio TR 4-6 gearbox??

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