[TR] Horn with a mind of its own

Randy and Valerie DeRuiter deruiterville at hotmail.com
Sun May 6 14:37:42 MDT 2012

Hi Irv-

Yes, uncontrolled tooting can be embarrassing!  I had the same problem on my
TR4 - you may want to slightly pull the hub away from the column, that was my
problem - the motolita hub itself was touching the horn pickup, and it happens
if there is any play in the column bushings which is pretty common.  Loosen
the clamp at the firewall in the engine bay to move the inner/outer steering
column.  Just a 1/16-1/8" or so extra and you can eliminate the issue I


> Date: Sun, 6 May 2012 10:21:24 -0500
> From: emanteno at comcast.net
> To: triumphs at Autox.Team.Net
> Subject: [TR] Horn with a mind of its own
> I treated myself to a new Moto-Lita steering wheel a couple of weeks ago.
> Since I installed it, the horns have
> blown several times without pushing the horn button, usually when steering
> to the left. This happened twice while we were
> moving (pushing and steering) the car at our club tune-up clinic yesterday.
> My car has air horns, and they are LOUD.

> Any and all thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated.
> Irv Korey
> 74 TR6 CF22767U
> Highland Park, IL
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