[TR] steering wheel nut

tfansher at comcast.net tfansher at comcast.net
Tue Jul 3 08:53:33 MDT 2012

I used really big channel lock pliers......to tighten the nut with the stator
tube in place. Anyone have any tricks to get the stator tube nut tight enough
without stripping. The a horn assembly still wants to turn with the wheel, so
no cancelling of the turn signals.


----- Original Message -----

From: "W Beecher" <wbeech at flash.net>
To: "John Gillis" <JGILLIS at tcd.ie>, triumphs at autox.team.net
Sent: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 10:36:08 AM
Subject: Re: [TR] steering wheel nut

BTDT, after fooling around try to get the steering wheel to be straight when
wheels were straight going down the road proved to be an excersie in
futility. B 
I did all the things that you have described, multiple times,
never found a
simpler way.

Here is the solution(assuming you have done all
your front end work): B Once you
have it close, say, the bottom spoke is at
5:00 or 7:00 position take her in and
have the front end alignment properly
set. B As part of this process they will
center the steering wheel and adjust
the tie-rod ends to the correct points. B 
bob's yer uncle!

From: John Gillis <JGILLIS at tcd.ie>
"triumphs at autox.team.net" <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tue, July 3, 2012
7:30:35 AM
Subject: [TR] steering wheel nut

Hi all, as I get ready for the
first official outing for black TR2, I have
been trying to straighten the
steering wheel, as my "best guess" of what was
correct in relation to the
wheel spokes, was way off. A short drive and I
could better guess, but it is a
real pain if I have to remove the stator tube
and horn push completely just to
get a socket on the wheel nut. I have been
releasing the stator tube down at
the steering box, then drawing up the horn
push and tube, all still intact
enough, including wiring, to allow me move the
wheel on the splines, but it is
very difficult to tighten the nut again with
such restricted access. Anyone
had to cope with this one, or know of a way
around it?
1954 Long


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