[TR] FW: [CTR] Re: VIN for TR-4 1965

Bob Labuz yellowtr at adelphia.net
Fri Aug 31 10:33:13 MDT 2012


There is a body # located somewhere near the right rear wheel well but I 
cant remember exactly where. But this is not the commission number you 
are seeking. There should also be a body # on the upper engine bay on 
the left just in front of the regulator. But this is not the commission 
number either. On my 4, the numbers around 6000 apart. I think the 
engine # should be closer to the commission # but cant be sure since I 
cannot read mine. Eyes too bad and it is painted black.

Maybe you can contact your DMV for guidance? If they approve, you can 
buy a new plate and stamp in the number that is recorded on the  title.


On 08/31/2012 10:38 AM, Alex & Janet Thomson wrote:
> List - Is there an additional location where the serial number might be
> stamped into the frame?
> Alex Thomson

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