[TR] towing tr3---

Hans de Ferrante tr3 at roadrunner.com
Mon Mar 28 13:59:27 MST 2011

Yes,  Randall,  in fact, Jan, who has it and who lives only a few  
blocks from me will be needing it for the club's  Big Bear event. That  
is the  time that I was thinking of towing my TR to Red Lands or  
Mentone and drive it from  there to B.B. I  just don't fancy  that  
freeway drive anymore. I heard that an open motorcycle hauler,  
slightly modified, might be the ideal solution, which I plan to look  

On Mar 28, 2011, at 12:10 PM, Randall wrote:

> Did you join TRSC?  There is an unofficial "club" trailer ...

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