[TR] was RE: 30 psi at 65 mph now white smoke

Geo Hahn ahwahneetr at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 20:36:42 MDT 2011

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Randall <TR3driver at ca.rr.com> wrote:

> ...And compression gases leaking into the coolant jacket really mess up the
> cooling.

And worth mentioning that (in my experience) when this is happening the temp
gauge may behave strangely as it is better at measuring coolant temperature
than 'air' temperature.  IOW, I wouldn't rely solely on the temp gauge as an
indicator of whether there is sufficient coolant & cooling in place.

Not sure what your plans are in St George but I once replaced a head gasket
on the TR3 under a big oak tree in a woods.  A good assortment of wrenches
and torque wrench are about all it takes tool-wise.

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