[TR] TR3 Cockpit rear quarter rail

Carl TR cfmtr3a at verizon.net
Mon Dec 19 06:27:55 MST 2011

Thanks Dave - I found one like this one - so will see if I either find the
other or can duplicate it.


-----Original Message-----
From: davewillner [mailto:davewillner at pa.net] 
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 7:47 AM
To: Randall; cfmtr3a at verizon.net
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Cockpit rear quarter rail


Here's a photo of the placement, these are originals and held in place by
one recessed slotted screw on each side, they are about 3" long by 1" wide
and 2" high. I guess they were supports for the capping since the tops are
curved slightly...

Dave Willner
Stroudsburg PA
59 TR3A
70 MGB
70 BSA 441 VS

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl TR" <cfmtr3a at verizon.net>
To: "'Randall'" <TR3driver at ca.rr.com>; <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 11:10 PM
Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Cockpit rear quarter rail

> Thanks Randall - that sounds like what I remember.    Will keep looking.
> If anyone has one they can take a photo of or specific measurements - it
> would be greatly appreciated.
> Carl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net
> [mailto:triumphs-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Randall
> Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2011 8:02 PM
> To: triumphs at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [TR] TR3 Cockpit rear quarter rail
>> ISTR that there was a piece of wood under the aluminum rear quarter
>> rail - I believe to support the hardtop mounting bracket.
> Probably varies, depending on commission number.  But both my late TR3 and
> early TR3A had only two small blocks of wood, near the front of the 
> quarter
> rail.  Appeared to be just to support the rail itself, as people tend to
> lean on that spot when getting out of the car.  At any rate, it wasn't 
> close
> to the hardtop supports and was on the TR3 (which didn't have the other
> hardtop brackets under the rail installed).
> Sorry I don't have a photo of that area.  But the block wasn't very large,
> perhaps 2" long, 1/2" or maybe 3/4" wide, and maybe 1.5" tall.  The top 
> was
> rounded across the narrow dimension, but not fore/aft.  And there was a
> counterbore down the center, for a sheet metal screw into the body.
> -- Randall
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