[TR] Weeping head bolts

John & Pat Donnelly pdonnel1 at san.rr.com
Sun Dec 4 07:42:30 MST 2011

When running the engine for the first time after installing my new Mad Marx
rear oil seal I noticed that a couple of the head bolts were weeping water
up through the threads. There were two of them on the manifold side on each
side of #2 cylinder. One built up a little puddle (about a teaspoon worth)
while the other just showed little bubbles. I've never seen this before.


During the install, while the engine was apart,  I had removed the head
bolts for the first time in the engine's 44 year life. There was a lot of
crud built up on the bolts that I scraped off. The nuts are torqued down to
105 lbs.


Anybody seen this before? Will it stop?



'67 TR4A

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