[TR] Fluid recommendations

TeriAnn J. Wakeman tjwakeman at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 06:16:31 MST 2011

On 12/1/11 11:18 AM, Tony Drews wrote:
> Avoid Ethanol in the gas if you can - it's hard on some of the fuel 
> system components.
The ONLY place I have seen petrol without something like 10% ethanol in 
the last few years has been in Texas.  Do they still have it any place else?

My '61 TR3A runs:
- Redline synthetic oils in the overdrive gearbox and rear end.

- Valvoline synthetic 20-50 racing oil.  I'd probably switch to 10-40 in 
the winter but I try not to drive my 3 in the snow.  That's what my Land 
Rover is for.

- a high quality anti freeze formulated for aluminum engines (Aluminum 

- Synthetic grease

- Silicon brake fluid (DOT5)

I will miss 2011.  Just because the numbers this year are so auspicious. 
In 2011 my car is 50 years old and I have owned it for 25 years.  51 and 
26 just doesn't run off the tongue as well.


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