[TR] How much for a clutch job

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Thu Sep 16 10:41:47 MDT 2010

> So, how many hours for a clutch job and how much for the parts? $1100
> for a
> shop charging, what? $60-$75 and hour?, doesn't seem excessive.

Well, maybe I am off base here.  Don't have my flat rate manual handy, but
I'm guessing 10 hours would be about right, for a shop equipped with all the
right tools.  I've not done a TR6, but I have done a TR3 in a single day and
I think the TR6 only involves a few more bolts (to remove the center
console).  $750 labor plus $350 parts pretty well nails $1100.

Puts a different light on doing it yourself; when you can work at half the
speed of a professional, and still pay yourself $37.50 per hour, tax-free.

> Granted, you or I might do it for 1/2 that

You might, but I don't take money for working on Triumphs.  It is strictly a
hobby for me, and taking money crosses the line, IMO.  YMMV

The corollary of course is that I don't work on other's Triumphs, much <G>

-- Randall 

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