[TR] ATF Fluid..... non Triumph

Bob Danielson 75tr6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Sat Sep 11 08:11:07 MDT 2010

No Triumph content

Does ATF fluid change from red to black over time? I've got an 07 Mazda3 
with 40K miles that runs great. At the last oil change, the quick lube guys 
were saying that the ATF fluid needed to be changed because it was no longer 
red and was therefore dirty. Nothing in my manual about ever needing to 
change ATF............... Are the quick lube guys just looking to pad the 
profits? Or should ATF stay red even after 40K?

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 CF38503U
Running w/ Throttle Body Injection,
Toyota 5 speed & Nissan LSD

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