[TR] Convention agenda

Dave1massey at cs.com Dave1massey at cs.com
Thu Oct 28 16:10:19 MDT 2010

In a message dated 10/28/2010 3:33:59 PM Central Daylight Time, 
trglory at verizon.net writes: 
> I also remember cars being rolled out of trailers for the hotel parking 
> lot
> Gymkhana and then 
> returned to the safety of their trailer for 2 days until the car show.  : 
> -

In 2002, at Redwing, MN, there were two (or more) stags.  One came in on a 
trailer and the other was driven 300+ miles to the event.  One evening the 
owner of the trailerd car was seen uncoupling the trailer from the tow 
vehicle.  When asked what was wrong the response was "Nothing, we're just going 
out to dinner."  When asked "Why not take the Stag?" he responded "We never 
drive it anywhere."

Imagine his disappointment when the driven Stag scored higher (first in 
class) than the trailered car.


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