[TR] [6pack] waterless coolant

Michael Porter mdporter at dfn.com
Thu Jan 14 19:28:39 MST 2010

Kevin McNelis wrote:
> Maybe I'm being a bit dense here, but didn't old VWs use AIR as a coolant??
Oh, yes, true for the pre-1980 engines in Bugs and vans, but, I think 
the reference is to the so-called Wasserboxer engines in the Vanagons.  
Those engines initially used a water/glycol mix which encouraged 
corrosion in the aluminum alloy used in the block and heads, which 
largely showed up as erosion of the material in the seal lands and 
leakage around the coolant o-ring seals between block and head.

Thus a revised coolant (and block material, I think) to correct the problem.



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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