[TR] u-joint

Dave1massey at cs.com Dave1massey at cs.com
Fri Dec 31 14:06:27 MST 2010

In a message dated 12/31/2010 2:58:23 PM Central Standard Time, 
spamiam at comcast.net writes: 
> They can be a bugger to get apart.  The corrosion prevents the caps from 
> moving.  As a previous reply said, clean the corrosion so the cap will 
> slide.  The instructions say that gentle tapping is all that is necessary 
> to 
> get the caps to move.  Well, it usually takes a BFH.  You need to be aware 
> that wailing on the U-joint may well bend the yoke(s) and make the holes 
> for 
> the caps no longer perfectly aligned.

I prefer to use an hydraulic press.  Failing that a vice will do.  Select a 
couple sockets, one that is slightly smaller than the cap to pressthe T 
through the yoke and  another large enough to accept the other cap  to back up 
the other side of the yoke.

But whether you use a vice or a press, great care must be taken as either 
one can apply enough force to deform or break the yoke.  Use good judgement 
and if things don't move with a reasonable amount of force stop and check out 
the situation.  Things may not be stright or rust or some other unwanted 
substance (like a C-ring) may be causing problems.  

But after the last time I did this and had to take them back apart because 
one of the rollers fell out of place I decided to take my driveshafts to 
experts and have them done.  Saves me the agrivation.


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