[TR] Subject: Re: towing

KingsCreekTrees at aol.com KingsCreekTrees at aol.com
Sun Sep 27 20:46:33 MDT 2009

Having read all the inputs on this, all I can say is that Triumphs were  
built as sports cars for the masses, but now they have become far more  
Once, it was acceptable and 'the done thing' to flat tow them. Reliability  
expectations have changed over time. Therefore, it may be totally 
worry-free to  flat tow Modern Rubbish behind a primary vehicle, but the same can't  
reasonably be said for our lovely old real cars. What's most  important is 
the wear on the car, I think. It's only the engine and gearbox that  doesn't 
get the wear in this scenario. Oh, and brakes. Suspension, wheel  bearings, 
diffs, steering all wear somewhat, if not necessarily quite at the  same 
rate as when under power, so for me there would be a reliability worry. My  car 
isn't in concours condition by any means, and therefore not a trailer 
queen,  but nevertheless I tow it on a trailer to events, if they are a couple of 
hours  or more away. I tend not to go to car shows, so I'd be towing it to 
driving  events or to vintage race events where I'd drive it around as a 
spectator.  Trailers are not expensive and they don't depreciate much. Plus 
they're easy to  maintain. A tow vehicle won't get great gas mileage but but 
not that bad either,  if you choose wisely.
Sorry this is so long.
Tim Dyer,  Proprietor
Kings Creek Trees and Ornamentals
427 Kings Creek Road,  RR3
Ashton, Ontario, K0A 1B0, Canada 
Phone/fax: 613 253 4126 Website: _www.kingscreektrees.com_ 

Proud  member of Landscape Ontario (the Ontario association of Horticulture 
Industry  professionals), the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and 
Christmas Tree  Farmers of Ontario

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