[TR] [6pack] Eastwood Spring Compressor

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Wed Sep 23 12:23:26 MDT 2009

> The one I used was good for about 
> two spring changeouts.

Wow!  In that case, I agree, use something better.

I've kind of lost count, but mine has been through maybe two dozen cycles
and shows no sign of distress or wear, beyond some discoloration (probably
from the lubricant I used).  Since I don't plan to make a career out of
rebuilding front ends, I expect it to outlast me.

> If you are going to use an impact 
> wrench (which, BTW is advised against by the makers of store 
> bought compressors) you will need a REALLY DEEP socket.

Funny, I used a shallow socket and it worked fine for me.  And I used the
'tire change' impact wrench that won't even twist off a 7/16" wheel stud.
No way is it going to harm that 3/4" stuff.

> One other thing, ACME thread being the way it is, you can't 
> double nut the top side

Ah, maybe that's the problem.  I double-nutted the bottom end, and put the
impact wrench on the bottom nut.  Here it is, removing the old suspension on
the project TR3 just last month:


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