[TR] Off-topic -deadly floormats?

KingsCreekTrees at aol.com KingsCreekTrees at aol.com
Fri Sep 18 16:47:59 MDT 2009

Would a police officer have the prescence of mind to do the right thing? I  
know a police officer who has just retired after 29 years of service. He 
has  never had any form of driving instruction, nor participated in any form 
of  driving course.
Unlike in Europe and other Continents, I believe police forces in North  
America are trained only to deal with enforcing the law. Driving with greater  
skill than other road users is not part of the North American police ethos. 
 That's not criticism by any means, just an observation. I worked with 
police  forces in the UK for some years while working for a car manufacturer 
that was  selling them their pursuit cars. Their standard of driving was 
With this in mind, I would not expect a North American police officer to  
have better emergency reaction skills, when operating a vehicle, than other  
members of the public. Again, not criticism; just an observation.
Tim Dyer,  Proprietor
Kings Creek Trees and Ornamentals
427 Kings Creek Road,  RR3
Ashton, Ontario, K0A 1B0, Canada 
Phone/fax: 613 253 4126 Website: _www.kingscreektrees.com_ 

Proud  member of Landscape Ontario (the Ontario association of Horticulture 
Industry  professionals), the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and 
Christmas Tree  Farmers of Ontario

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