[TR] Oil Pressure

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Wed Sep 16 10:58:25 MDT 2009

> I was not aware of this valve, does
> it regulate the oil pressure in the engine or just to the gauge?  

To the engine.

> If to the
> engine, could it be part of the reason I am seeing excessive leaking from
> my brand new rear main seal?

Could be, though I think it's unlikely unless your rear main bearing is
tired.  The rear main seal does not have to seal against the oil gallery
pressure, there is a big drain hole to carry away whatever oil leaks from
the rear main bearing.  

> Right now, most of time, driving at 3000rpm yields a pressure reading of
> 80-90psi.

A bit high, but only a bit.  The book says the pressure relief valve should
open at 70 psi.  However, it doesn't immediately open fully, so the pressure
can rise above 70 psi if there is a lot of flow through the valve (as there
will be with a tight, cold engine).

Long time ago, I ran straight 40 weight oil even in the winter time.  Worked
well in the tired old engine, but after the rebuild it would peg the oil
gauge on cold starts.  Didn't seem to cause any excess leaks (but I did
switch to lighter oil at the next change).

The usual causes of leakage from the scroll-type rear main seal are excess
crankcase pressure; and clearances too large at the seal.  The factory
workshop manual appears to have a misprint on the drawing for the setting
mandrel, which of course has been copied many times over the years
(including the setting tools sold by some vendors).

-- Randall 

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