[TR] Static Timing

Jim Muller jimmuller at rcn.com
Thu Sep 10 05:48:31 MDT 2009

On 9 Sep 2009 at 22:44, Wayne wrote:

> Or should I be setting it so my points are just begining to open (my light 
> will go out)?

And Oliver wrote:
> randall - correct me if i'm wrong...

I'm sure not Randall, and I see Randall and mjb have already answered 
this.  (It's nice to see mjb being an active participant.)  But I'll 
toss out some info anyway.

As already stated, the plugs fire when the points open.  Here's why.  
(Oliver, the front page of that How Stuff Works link shows only a 
macroscopic view of the ignition.)  The primary and secondary 
circuits in the coil are not directly connected, so the current 
through the points to ground is not a valve for the plug spark.  The 
coil is two separate circuits close together so that the fields 
created by one will be felt by the other.

A magnetic field is created when current flows.  A voltage is created 
when a magnetic field *changes*, the faster the change the greater 
the voltage.  When the points close current starts flowing through 
the primary circuit, and the buildup is slow for various reasons.  
Its magnetic field builds up slowly too and creates a small voltage 
in the seconrday circuit.  When the points open however the current 
just stops, right now, immediately (almost).  A flawed but useful 
analog is a water faucet.  No matter how quickly you open it the 
water starts coming out at its own rate.  Slam it closed and you hear 
the pipes bang as the water is forced to stop.  So when the current 
in the primary circuit stops suddenly its magnetic field decays 
immediately, which induces a large voltage in the secondary circuit.

It's like life.  The big event ain't the pace but the sudden stop at 
the end.

Jim Muller
jimmuller at rcn.com
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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