[TR] tr3 hot plugs

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Sat Oct 10 07:56:58 MDT 2009

I'm pretty sure I'm in "plain text" this time...

- Tony

Also, from the NGK website:
When making spark plug heat range changes, it is better to err on the 
side of too cold a plug. The worst thing that can happen from too 
cold a plug is a fouled spark plug, too hot a spark plug can cause 
severe engine damage

- Tony

PS - forgot to copy the list on my first response.

At 11:22 PM 10/9/2009, Tony Drews wrote:

I've I'm understanding the NGK heat charts, NGK BP7-HS would be a 
"standard" plug.  BP6-HS would be the next "hotter" plug.  I'm not 
totally sure that the BP7-HS is the "standard" plug but it's what I 
run in my race TR-4.  I have a Kawasaki bike that would foul a plug 
occasionally and by going from a "7" 3rd digit plug to a "6" 3rd 
digit plug I solved the issue (or at least worked around it).

- Tony Drews

At 09:08 PM 10/9/2009, you wrote:

whats the next "hotter" plug for my tr3 after the standard?

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