[TR] Cargo--smallest pickup at Home Depot

ZoboHerald at aol.com ZoboHerald at aol.com
Thu Oct 1 17:46:07 MDT 2009

In a message dated 10/1/2009 6:06:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
terryrs at comcast.net writes:

Brought  back a load of 2x6x12 pressure treated lumber in the passenger 
seat of
the  TR3A last weekend.

Just curious.

Where do you suppose this lands  on the originality debate?B  ...As I think
about it, it's probably  pretty common for the second owners....
Don't know if it's all that common with others, but it is with me. Back in  
the 1970s, I used to load our local club's autocross supplies into the GT6  
several times a year, often including as many of the pylons as would fit 
(and  these were the BIG road work pylons)! I had a roof rack that got its 
share  of use as well.
I also have a roof rack for my current Herald sedan. That rack also has  
seen its share of ladders and lumber, and all sorts of things have been carted 
 in the boot and interior (easy enough to remove the rear seat back for a 
longer  load area)!  

--Andy  Mace

*Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a jet?
*Man: Well, no ... It's not so  much of a jet, it's more your, er, Triumph 
Herald engine with wings.
--  Cut-price Airlines Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus (22)

Triumph 10 /  Herald / Sports 6 vehicle consultant, The Vintage Triumph 
Register: _http://www.vtr.org_ (http://www.vtr.org/) 

Check out the North  American Triumph Sports 6 (Vitesse 6) and Triumph 
Herald Database: _http://triumph-herald.us_ (http://triumph-herald.us/) 

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