[TR] Caliper Piston Removal

geo b free geo at ohio.net
Wed Nov 11 10:18:29 MST 2009

another way to sometimes get the piston out.... duct tape :) blocks of wood 
to the face where the pistons are located not blocking the pistons. then 
smack the wood on the concrete floor. the wood stops the caliper from being 
harmed and the piston moves out

From: <GHaynesTR4 at aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 11, 2009 10:55 AM
To: <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] Caliper Piston Removal

> A guaranteed method of removing stuck pistons from calipers goes like 
> this:
> Braze a grease nipple into an old brake line fitting.   Screw the fitting
> into the caliper and apply grease with a gun.   Grease cannot be 
> compressed
> and the piston(s) will come creeping out.   Secure the first out with a 
> clamp
> or block of wood until the second emerges.   Messy but very effective.
> George
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