[TR] The big bang

pethier at comcast.net pethier at comcast.net
Thu Jul 23 09:56:41 MDT 2009

----- "John Herrera" <jrherrera90 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> My old TR3 racecar used to do that. The harder I ran it before
> shutting down,
> the louder the bang. I call it an afterfire since it came out the
> exhaust. I
> figgered it was unburned fuel igniting from the exhaust heat.
> Thought it was kinda cool.

Even cooler on my Caterham.  The pipe comes out the left side next to the cockpit, so I can see the flame.
My 1962 TR4 does not do that.

Phil Ethier West Side Saint Paul Minnesota USA
1962 Triumph TR4 CT2846L   1979 Caterham 7
1993 Suburban  1994 Miata C-package  2007 Saturn Ion 3 2.4
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