[TR] TR-3 Pedals

Ron L'Herault lherault at bu.edu
Sun Jul 12 19:54:58 MDT 2009

I had a '58 TR 3 and did not alter the pedals for my 5' 1/4" height.  I did,
however raise the seat on two by fours to get a slightly higher seating
position.  I don't know if I may have altered the position of the seat rails
at that time.  I think I just through-bolted them in the same position.  I
bought my first TR-6 brand new at the Triumph dealer.  He had a mechanic
heat up the clutch and brake pedals and bend them forward a bit.  I still
used a 1" or so foam cushion to raise myself up a bit.  I had the same thing
done to my present TR-6.

Ron L

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