[TR] Pics of spoiler

Geo Hahn ahwahnee18 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 13:10:18 MDT 2009

I'll confess, my TR3A has lacked a radiator guard for the 28 years I've
owned it.  More stupid than brave in my case.  Soooo...

Anyone have one from a parting-out car or frame that they would sell?

Thought I had a lead on a local one but perhaps not, so I'll expand the

If I'm looking at things correctly, it is simply held in place with a bolt
on each end.


On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Randall <tr3driver at ca.rr.com> wrote:

> Yer a brave man, running without a radiator guard.

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