[TR] How do they manufacture gears?

John Innis jdinnis at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 05:54:04 MST 2009

Depends on the gear and what it will be used for.  Most gears are cut,
usually on a lathe and mill, or a specialized gear cutting mill.  You
can make just about anything on a mill with the right table, cutter
and sufficent time.  Then they are case hardened to resist wear
withoug becoming too brittle.  Newer gears are actually pressed from
powdered iron under heat and very high pressure.  This makes the gear
much easier to manufacture, but at the cost of some strength.  To
compensate, gears made in this fashion typically must be somewhat
larger to do the same job.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 6:20 AM, Jim Muller <jimmuller at rcn.com> wrote:
> Speaking of gears, perhaps one of you with a mech. eng. or
> manufacturing eng. background can explain how they make them?  --
= Never offend people with style when you   =
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