[TR] Triumph on TV

Michael Marr mmarr at notwires.com
Thu Feb 5 14:27:48 MST 2009

I owned a brand new 1974 MGBGT that had rubber bumpers and twin SUs.


>> 1973 would make the rubber-bumper MGB an anachronism.  Should have been a
>> chrome-bumper B.
> My first car was what I was told at the time was a 1973.5 MGB. It had
> rubber bumpers and dual carbs (which the later 1974s did not have). Now I
> may have all of this wrong as it was over 20 years ago. Life On Mars is 
> set
> in the late summer of 1973 so I suppose it is possible that an early 1974
> car could be on the streets.
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