[TR] TR3A Electrical Gremlins
MMoore8425 at aol.com
MMoore8425 at aol.com
Sun Feb 1 09:01:52 MST 2009
I would suggest stopping right where you are. Disconnect the battery. Make a
large xerox of the schemtic (local Staples etc).
Make a "buzzer" using a lantern battery, a cheap door bell buzzer, some bell
wire and alligator clips.
Touching te two wires should make it buzz.
With the battery disconnected, "ring out" each section of wires. Place one
buzzer wire at one end of each circuit section and make sure the buzzer buzzes,
then place one end to ground and make sure it does NOT buzz. Mark that section
of wire off in green marker on your xerox copy. Continue until you are all
greened on the schematic.
I have followed this discipline rewiring several cars as a mistake can be a
Good Luck!
Mike Moore
62 Chrysler 300H
63 E Type
64 E Type
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