[TR] new battery box

Gary Nafziger nafzigerg at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 6 11:31:14 MDT 2009

I'm installing a new battery box (tr-3) and finding no way to get it into the
hole unless the top angled portion is bent back pretty drastically.  I even
drilled out spot welds and took out the vent box above the battery inside.  no
dice. lol  
so finally i bit the bullet and bent the top angled piece of new
battery box back enough to get it in.  thats where it sits at present.  I
think I'll weld the bottom portion of the box in.........then try to bend up
the upper part into place for welding.  Hopefully nothing will look out of the
ordinary viewing the battery box from the engine compartment.  (crooked bend
line or budged up box)

Just wondering if anyone else had the same experience.

gary n
wellman iowa

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