[TR] TR4A crankshafts

William McLeod wbmcleod at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 22:49:39 MDT 2008

I've been away for a while, mostly health, and have not had much luck  
finding this answer in the archives, but why would an owner want to  
replace a TR crank with a MF crank, when there are so many good cranks  
out there?
Just trying to catch up....
Slightly Classics
Tucson, AZ

On Oct 1, 2008, at 8:34 PM, Tony Drews wrote:

> As long as it's oversized, it can be cut down to the proper size for
> not a lot of money.
> - Tony D
> At 10:41 AM 10/1/2008, Randall wrote:
>>> But if this number is quite far off what is expected for
>>> those kits, then we know something.
>> Unfortunately, the diameter for the conversion kit is closer to  
>> 2.520.  So
>> the conversion seal isn't going to work with the MF crank, unless  
>> it's
>> modified.
>> But .150 or so per side isn't all that much, so it's still possible  
>> the MF
>> seal will fit into the conversion housing.
>> triumphs at autox.team.net
>> Randall
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