[TR] Teenager vehicle

Brian Induni 308gtsi at roadrunner.com
Wed Nov 19 10:32:09 MST 2008

I have to say, by far, my vote goes to the mid to late '80s Volvo 240. Safe?
Are you kidding me?!?! Economical - 4 banger with little to no guts. Priced
right too! You can get a good 240 for under $1000; it'll have a few miles on
it, but all my Volvos went well over 250K and were stilling going strong
when I sold them.

They have a few know issues, like the heater fan and make sure to change the
timing belt ever 60k miles, but they are cheap and easy to fix, making them
great first cars to learn on. 

Oh, and a shoebox on wheels doesn't exactly scream "GIVE ME A TICKET!"...
Like the Cobra kit my youngest wants to build.

67 TR4A, driven by the kids if I go too!

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