[TR] tracing a TR3A

Rich White rlwhitetr3b at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 23 14:50:54 MST 2008

Team.net lists do not allow attachments.Rich White St. Joseph, IL USA'63 TR3B
TCF587LThat ain't a scrap pile, that is my car!See it moves!> To:
mikel.dillon at cox.net> Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:22:55 -0400> From:
trdoctor at aol.com> CC: triumphs at autox.team.net; 6pack at autox.team.net> Subject:
Re: [TR] tracing a TR3A> > Don't recognize the car but I will post it to the
Triumph lists.? Good luck.> > > -----Original Message-----> From: Mikel Dillon
<mikel.dillon at cox.net>> To: gctok at cox.net> Sent: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 2:20 pm>
Subject: Fw: tracing a TR3A> > > > Does anyone recognize the car in the
attached photo?> > ?> > - Mikel Dillon> > ? Green Country Triumphs newsletter
editor> > ?> > > ----- Original Message ----- > > From: bob > > To:
gctok at cox.net > > Sent: Monday, March 17, 2008 4:46 PM> > Subject: tracing a
TR3A> > > > > Hi Samuel> > I am a TR enthusiast from England who recently
thought that I'd purchased a TR3A from someone in Perry Oklahoma. To cut a
very long story short, the 'gentleman' concerned has disappeared with the car
(if it ever existed) and my money. The local police and a private investigator
are out to find him, and I'm wondering if you might know of the car or
recognise it if I were to send you some photos. I suspect that someone else
owns it, but might be able to get some trace on the fraudster if I can speak
to the owner.> > ?> > Thanks in anticipation> > ?> > Bob Broadbent> > > > >
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