[TR] O2 sensor for a '60-'61 TR3?

Bob Danielson 75TR6 at tr6.danielsonfamily.org
Sat Mar 1 20:43:10 MST 2008

ISTR that you can get a gauge that lets you monitor the air/fuel ratio when
you have the 02 sensor. Beyond that, there are others far smarter then me
who can tell you what that means. 

Bob Danielson
1975 TR6 CF38503U
Running w/ Throttle Body Injection

-----Original Message-----
From: triumphs-bounces+75tr6=tr6.danielsonfamily.org at autox.team.net
[mailto:triumphs-bounces+75tr6=tr6.danielsonfamily.org at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of dorpaul
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 8:01 PM
To: list Triumph
Subject: [TR] O2 sensor for a '60-'61 TR3?

 Would someone educate me as to why there is oxygen sensor that is marketed
just for a '60-'61 TR3?

      I think I'm right in saying that these were installed in post 1980
vehicles.  If installed in the TR, it proably would have to go in tailpipe
somewhere, right?  And be used to hook up to a gauge or a computer to tell
you how efficiently your  SU carbs were.  What setting would be altered to
adjust this efficiency?  Is this something just for racecars?

      Thanks, Paul Dorsey  60 TR3
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