[TR] brake hose replacement

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Sat Jun 21 16:52:54 MDT 2008

> The replacement brake hoses (Moss part
> 582-018) I bought have tapered fittings at the ends while the 
> originals are straight threaded at the ends.  Did I get the 
> wrong hoses?

Those are the "braided" hoses rather than originals, and don't fit quite the
same as the originals.  You should have gotten adaptors for each hose end;
and the adaptors are supposed to be "universal fit".  There should have been
copper sealing washers included, for where the adaptor goes into straight
threads rather than a flare fitting.

Looked kind of cheesy to me too, but seemed to work OK even during a panic
stop or two.


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