[TR] More on Smoking TR3 after replacing Head Gasket

terryrs at comcast.net terryrs at comcast.net
Thu Jun 19 18:01:57 MDT 2008

Would like to say there's a simple solution, but it all depends on what your purpose for the car is.  If you plan on a daily driver, I don't believe in shortcuts.  Do everything right today, you can drive safe at speed, and you won't be calling AAA from the side of the road during a rainstorm in Vancouver.

Just my two cents.

Terry Smith, '59 TR3A
New Hampshire
-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "wbeech" <wbeech at flash.net> 

> I seen it done successfully with J-B Weld. Ideally, strip it down and 
> either replace the block or have it professionally welded for the repair. 
> Bill B 
> '58 TR-3A TS/30766 L 
> '59 TR-3A TS/64974 LO 
> "A Triumph is man's best friend, it always comes when it is called...of 
> course, some times it is difficult to make it go" 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: triumphs-bounces+wbeech=flash.net at autox.team.net 
> [mailto:triumphs-bounces+wbeech=flash.net at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Allan 
> Reich 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:46 PM 
> To: triumphs at autox.team.net 
> Subject: [TR] More on Smoking TR3 after replacing Head Gasket 
> I need some more help from the listers! 
> I found the source of my water .. I have two cracks in the block .. 
> where bolt #9 and bolt #10 are in the block. They are small hairline cracks 
> that go from the stud threads to the water jackets, but they are visible to 
> the eye (in fact I have pictures that show the cracks). 
> My questions are: 
> - Can this be repaired with some kind of thread epoxy or ???? 
> - Do I find a another block and swap all my parts over? 
> Allan Reich - Vancouver 
> 1960 TR3A - TS65713L (+O) 
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