[TR] Alternative mounts for TR3A ADDCO front sway bar.

John Herrera jrherrera90 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 9 16:56:36 MST 2008

> I'm installing an ADDCO front anti-roll bar to my 59TR3a. The mounts that
hold> the straight part of the bar in front are SUPPOSED to bolt to the
bumper> brackets. The mount hardware needs to be longitudinal to the car, but
the> bumper brackes angle out so that only the bottom hole will line up with
the> bumper brackets.> > I guess I can make an additional little angle iron
tab for the top hole, or> else weld the bottom part of the hardware to the
bumper brackets, but that's> not very elegant.> > Is someone making an
alternative mount, (Joe Alexander?) or does someone have> a trick solution to
this problem?> > Thanks,> Curt> 59TR3A> 2008 MINI Cooper S> Spec Racer Ford

I made adaptors from steel plate that bolted to the bumper brackets and
allowed the sway bar mounts to be on the straight part of the sway bar.

Although I am saying it myself, they are quite elegant.


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