[TR] TR3A speedo

DLylis at aol.com DLylis at aol.com
Sun Dec 14 11:47:25 MST 2008

I have just installed the third speedo in my TR3A and am getting the same  
results.  First, the needle reads low and goes through fits of wide  variations, 
the highest of which appear to be the correct  speed.   
Speedo 1:  The original.  Someone "fixed" this one and left parts  out that 
run the odometer and trip meter but the needle magnet mechanism seemed  to work 
OK but it appeared to run 20 mph slow, and ocassioanlly has fits.
Speedo 2: I took the guts out of a TR6 speedo and put them in my original  
speedo and all seemed to work OK except the trip meter numbers did not line up  
with the window properly on the original face, but, OK lets try it.  It  seems 
to run about 20 mph slow and occassionally has fits
Speedo 3:  Just bought it used.  A fine looking piece of  equipment for less 
than half of sending one to Nisonger.  I installed  it.  It appears to run 
about 20 mph slow and occasionally has fits.
I have installed a J type OD on this car with the 90 degreee adapter.   I 
have a friend who has done the same on his 3A and has no issues with the  speedo. 
 I have another friend who has MGs and suggests that the problem  may go back 
to something he experienced with one of his MGs with OD.  Now,  I realize to 
many on this list that this is like saying my dog gets sick when he  eats 
chocolate bars, so I should not eat chocolate bars.  
What the MG friend has suggested is that the drive gear in the OD tail  piece 
that drives the OD speedo gear is not keyed to the shaft and maybe  slipping 
on the shaft as it rotates.  Tightening the nut on the shaft on  the end of 
the OD tailpiece will "capture" this gear and  may correct  the problem.
Before going there I have a list of other things to check out on this, but  
what say the list?
David  Lylis
69 TR6 CC26160L
60 TR3A TS74461LO
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