[TR] TR4 cut out under power

Geo & Kathleen Hahn ahwahnee at cybertrails.com
Wed Apr 30 17:48:45 MDT 2008

In addition to all that Randall mentioned, I would check the little lead 
from the coil to the dizzy... white w/ a black stripe if the wiring is 
original/correct.  That wire leads a hard life and can fail at either 
connector.  Without it you have a 2000 lbs semi-portable radio.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Randall" <tr3driver at ca.rr.com>
> If the points appear to be always open, check the flexible lead from the
> dizzy side terminal to the points, as it can sometimes break internally 
> and
> not conduct even though it looks OK. 

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