[TR] vintage race day pt 1

Dennis N Culligan dncullig at us.ibm.com
Sun Sep 2 20:41:02 MDT 2007

"Jim Muller" wrote:
>They wanted $45 apiece to enter the track

 A spectator ticket for the weekend is $135!!!
I was there Friday - it was "only" $20 to get
in but most of the vendors weren't there nor
were half the cars.  The price for this event
at Lime Rock has gone up every year since Steve
Earl got involved. It would be OK if the quality
and quantity of the race cars increased at the
same time, but that hasn't happened.  It has
also gotten so expensive for the racers that the
fields continue to dwindle.
  I'll keep going to the non-public events at LRP
(like VSCCA weekends) and be a flagger and get in

Dennis Culligan / Highland, NY/ 1976 TR6 CF57948U - TR6IUMPH

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