[TR] source for nuts and bolts

William Babbitt wbabbitt at sbcglobal.net
Sat Nov 24 07:20:43 MST 2007

  If you know what you're looking for, I've found McMaster-Carr to be an excellent source of stainless nuts and bolts.
  Bill Babbitt
  1960 TR3a

Rich White <rlwhitetr3b at hotmail.com> wrote:
Back in 2002 there was a thread about the nuts and bolts required in a
restoration. The web site www.rustfreeroadsters.com was listed as a source
for a complete kit of fasteners. I exchanged some e-mail with the gentleman,
but did not make any purchase. The site does not seem to be his anymore.
Does anyone have any information about this source?Rich White St. Joseph, IL
USA'63 TR3B TCF587LThat ain't a scrap pile, that is my car!See it moves!

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