[TR] Happy Thanksgiving Day

John Macartney standardtriumph at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 20 16:22:26 MST 2007

Just our very best wishes from those of in the 'olde countrye' to ye in the 'newe countrye' for this 
coming Thursday.

With the benefit of that old friend hindsight, I suppose it's a good thing in some ways that a few 
of us stayed behind. If we hadn't, none of you would have had Triumphs to drive, Lucas electrics to 
ponder - or somewhere to come on vacation - IF anyone can afford to come to the UK. And that 
includes those of us who live here :)

Cheers all, Jonmac

Originator of The Triumph Trans-America Charity Drive 2009

An event for full TRIUMPH Enthusiast participation...
and - okay, all other makes of LBC Iron too! 

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