[TR] Engine noise B-25

McGaheyRx at aol.com McGaheyRx at aol.com
Fri Nov 9 19:59:34 MST 2007

In a message dated 11/9/2007 9:19:28 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
jrherrera90 at hotmail.com writes:

These  ships were not built to FAA specs because they were built for the  
military. So they can't operate in any Standard Category. They can,  however, 
operate in Special Categories like Restricted or Exhibition. But  these 
categories have operating limitations. One is that they can't carry  
passengers for hire.

The FAA says to the Foundation, "You're  carrying passengers for hire and are 
in  violation."

They can also operate as "experimental aircraft" - and rides can be  sold:
_http://www.b17.org/_ (http://www.b17.org/) 

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