[TR] VTR 2007 awards - where on VTR's website?? AND VTR

Anthony Rhodes spamiam at comcast.net
Tue Jul 24 15:54:57 MDT 2007


>The volunteers of DVT definitely deserve a break!!  They did a GREAT JOB!!!
Yes, the DVT volunteers worked very hard at bringing this all together.  Most
of the work was done well behind the scenes, and only a few of us got to be
seen behind the podium at the banquet.  Those people deserve the credit, as
does Bob "Where's Bob" DeLucia who orchestrated the whole thing.

>> A few mixups occurred and I am straightening them out now.
>Ohoh, maybe I got second or third??
There are no leftover Stag awards in P/C, but there was one in Concours:  A
third.  Before you get too excited, it belongs to Michael Ferrell.


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